Kementerian Kesihatan Ban ANMUM ???

Assalamualaikum ...

pening-pening...kemunculan formula susu tanpa gula tambahan memang buat yaya pening..walaupun yaya dari awal dah menggunakan jenama susu tu sebelum dorang war-warkan formula tanpa gula tambahan tu ...

bila yaya buat entri pasal  'Gula Tambahan Dalam Susu Anak - Pendapat Di Perlukan' - thanks bg yg komen..thanks pada Julie yg bg link kat bawah nie ...*profile Julie tak ada link blog la...*

nie copy paste dari sini : - kali nie pun pendapat diperlukan jugak .. sebab yaya bg anak anmum..jd perlu ke yaya bertukar susu ?

Fonterra's TVC goes off-air amidst complaints

By: Deborah Joy, Malaysia
Published: May 23, 2011

Malaysia - Fonterra Brands has temporarily pulled down the latest campaign for its milk powder brand Anmum, following allegations of having violated advertising regulations, with the Ministry of Health (MOH) stepping in.

The campaign in question, themed "Anmum Essential Tanpa Gula Tambahan" (No Sugar Added) rolled out in March, this year.  

Fonterra's messaging for Anmum claimed that consuming all other brands is equivalent to consuming 13 spoonfuls of sugar. 

When contacted by A+M, a Food Safety & Quality Division spokesperson said it's a case of violation of Section 17 of the Food Act 1983. The particular Act stipulates food advertising must not be false, inaccurate or deceive a purchaser via misleading messages executed anywhere in the country. 

"The Ministry has had a discussion with the company recently with regards to the requirements of the law pertaining to the issue at hand," Fatimah Sulong, principal assistant director, Food Safety & Quality Division, told A+M

Fonterra Brands confirmed the development adding it is waiting for its cue from the government department. "We are engaged in a formal process with the MOH to work through these concerns in partnership."

"We continue to stand by the facts and overall message of our campaign. The use of added sugars in many growing up milk powders in Malaysia is excessive and unnecessary. We will continue to raise this important issue in our ongoing communications campaigns," the statement added. 

Yaya pun ada mencelah kat discussions di Wardina Safiyah Official Page kat facebook dibawah topik 'Susu Anmum' ..nie antara pendapat..yaya tak print screen la ye..copy paste je ..

*edit - bawah nie adalah pendapat ibu-ibu  ... bukan dari wardina ...

still prefer natural sugar from the real things such as papaya,pumpkin,sweet potato,corn.....not gabungan bahan2 yg sy x biasa dengar dan baca,,sure namanya sukrosa ,corn syrup begitu..still it's not the real thing... it's sound chemical to me...we can give sugar from the ORIGINAL sugar..not something made up in a LABORATORY...that's how i think... kenapa zaman nenek kita tak ada susu pun,berkhasiat juga pemakanan bayi..they used real things to feed their children...saya berkeras juga dengan gula asli dari tumbuhan asli juga.. 

khasiat lemak susu lebih penting untuk anak berbanding gula tambahan..gula tambahan lebih baik diperolehi dari buah-buahan... nanti masalah obesiti pulak if extra gula dari susu...if me lah..better natural sugar

susu anmum..baru sy tukar...dulu enfagrow but too i switch lah.. 
susu anmum really taste like susu not vanilla flavouring or honey..

nota : FENINN ...

5 تعليقات

Terima kasih sudi baca. Komen membina sangat dihargai. Komen yang mengandungi 'link', menggunakan unknown profile tidak akan disiarkan. Harap maklum.

  1. ada gula atau tidak, it's still FM....formula must be same.....

    wardina adalah tukang ckp anmum, so...her opinion tak seme kite bley amik port....

    the thing is, rakyat msia especially mommies like us terlalu suke percaye pd kempen media....without knows cerita di sebaliknya...

    kenyataan wardina itu salah bile die kate,

    kenapa zaman nenek kita tak ada susu pun,berkhasiat juga pemakanan bayi..they used real things to feed their children

    sy membesar pun dulu dgn susu yg wujud dulu dr anmum....dan idup sihat smpi skg....

    so, ape conclusion nya? gula from lab of cos they got the source from food gak.....

    i think i have to write the entry about it...=)

  2. Amirah : gula penting untuk tenaga .. tak de gula lain pulak jdnya kan..

  3. mommy fara : bukan pendapat wardina tu..tu pendapat ibu-ibu yang lain ...

  4. saya terpakse edit blk entry b4 nie...heheheh....sbb sy ade bukak fb tu tp tak jumpe lak berkenaan anmum....

  5. slm kenal..kalo tak silap sy, fonterra group ni kalo kt china dulu adalh pengeluar stop anmum sejak krisis melamin..

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